It is possible to have your Driver's License Restored without owning a vehicle in the State of Pennsylvania. This is possible by completing a DL21 Certification that you own no vehicles in the state. Once you have your privilege restored, we can also help you by installing an ignition interlock.
PA law requires individuals to obtain an interlock license to have their unrestricted Driving Privilege Restored. However, if a person does not own a car or truck, they can still have their interlock license issued. This option can offer substantial savings and enable a person to have a Driver's License issued even without a vehicle
The first step to certification is to obtain a copy of PennDOT's DL-21 form. It can be downloaded from PennDOT's website, or we can mail, e-mail, or fax one directly from our main office.
Next, fill out section A and sign and date section C. Please leave sections B and D blank. Then either fax, email or mail your completed DL-21 to us. Please include with your DL21 a copy of your Restoration Requirements Letter. You can include payment, or pay via phone. Call with any questions you may have.